Drehzahlregler 300 bis 2000 Watt für Ventilatoren. Die Regler sind nicht für Spaltpolmotoren geeignet. Ein-und-Aus Schalter und Stufenloser Drehzahlregelung.
Etic Telecom Ipl C 400 Hg.
Using the RF remote provided, users have the ability to extend, stop, and retract their actuators from up to 30-50 feet away (open air). Customization of actuators to specific needs. Experts in Linear Motion.
Mach 3 CNC Routing : Artsoft. Also includes Lazycam : Mach design wizards : full manual. Text engraving. Wizards are “mini-programs” that extend the capabilities of Mach3. Wizards can be written by anyone and are designed to allow users to quickly perform routine or convenient operations without the need to have a pre-written G-Code file.
Motor power: 6W 15W 25W 40W 60W 90W 120W 180W. - The exhaust at the rear of the motor is smooth, and there is a built-in fan heat sink for heat dissipation. - There are screw bolt holes at the four corners for fixing to the motor bracket.