Handschutzset Bellfront Bariton 3-teilig schwarz. - Handschutzset für Bellfront Bariton. Schnüre zur Befestigung. - passend für alle Marken. - Farbe: schwarz.
Monzani MZBR-215 Kinder Bariton - Bariton. Das Kinder Bariton Monzani MZBR-215 ist so konzipiert, dass gerade kleine Kinder ohne große Anstrengung das Bariton gut greifen und die Ventile einfach erreichen können.
KGUBRASS MOUTHPIECE ADAPTOR FOR A FLUGELHORN SOUND, DEEP CUP MOUTHPIECE ADAPTOR FOR TRUMPET. Expanded possibilities of your trumpet. We’re happy to present the specially designed adaptor from KGUBrass which enables a flugelhorn mouthpiece to perfectly fit the trumpet.
Because of the success of his mouthpieces, Parduba discontinued making trumpets and cornets and doing repair work and specialized only in making mouthpieces. Parduba Trumpet Mouthpiece 7.5 PARTP75. Best Match.
UpSound French Horn
Tromba in Sib Ramponi e cazzani in perfetto stato, strumento ottimo bel suono e bella proiezione, tenuta in perfette condizioni.Ramponi and cazzani Bb trumpet in perfect condition, excellent instrument, beautiful sound and beautiful projection, kept in perfect condition.
KGUBrass Сustom Trumpet Mouthpiece Booster. Compatible with most popular standard mouthpiece models. (Bach, Yamaha, Schilke, Getzen, etc.). mouthpiece not included. Model: CLASSIC.
The picture shows a copper teapot that has had the plating applied to the end of the spout and an area on the body of the kettle. The result is permanent and will not chip, flake or peel. Your silver will also be cleaned and polished.