20 x E13007-2 MJE13007-2 Transistor TO-220 is a pack of transistors suitable for various industrial electrical applications. The Model OP497GSZ ensures reliable performance and durability. Ideal for use in other electrical equipment and supplies, this product is a must-have for any electronic enthusiast or professional looking to stock up on high-quality components.
The Klixon 4CR current type motor starting relay is a compact, high capacity relay, designed for universal application to splitphase and capacitor start, single-phase motors with start-winding currents up to 25 amperes.
(mit DPD/DHL). Wir sindDeutsche Händler ! unkomplizierte, schnelle Antworten und Hilfe.
Quarz-Pendeluhrwerk Stilles Taktversorgung Bausatz Batterie Wanduhr. | Computer, Tablets & Netzwerk |. Ice Cube Tray Kuchen Form Schokolade Süßigkeiten Backen Für Kinder Für Backen. -Material: Kunststoff.
Microphone Input Transformer LUNDAHL LL1571
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