Composizione per tartarughe Mod. La composizione di terrario e casetta Mod. Il terrario è dotato di piedini di rialzo. La casetta è dotata di tetto con falda apribile;. Misure porta di ingresso ad archetto della casetta cm 14x12h.
Most have condition issues such as creasing, tearing & staining. Over the years they were put into a large storage area in the theater. In 2008 they were moved to a storage unit in Oregon.
Most have condition issues such as creasing, tearing & staining. Over the years they were put into a large storage area in the theater. In 2008 they were moved to a storage unit in Oregon.
Crea la perfetta illuminazione di interni con il set di lampade HOMCOM. Porta tutta la luce che ti serve in ogni stanza con questo set! ● Set da 3 pezzi: 1 lampada da terra e 2 lampade da tavolo. ● Pratico interruttore a pedale per la lampada da terra.
Most have condition issues such as creasing, tearing & staining. Over the years they were put into a large storage area in the theater. In 2008 they were moved to a storage unit in Oregon. 42 1/2" h x 28" w.
Camp HYDRO PRO ECO Universale, Idrorepellente protettivo a base acqua ad effetto naturale, Anti-vegetativo, Eco-Friendly.