Ein integrierter Sound Prozessor mit dynamischem Equalizer und ein 2 Band EQ der bei 80 Hz und 12kHz mit jeweils +/- 15 dB. eingreift, sorgen für die Klangoptimierung in unterschiedlichen räumlichen Gegebenheiten.
This connector is perfect for those who want to enhance the quality of their sound system. Its precision engineering ensures that the sound is transmitted with clarity and reduced distortion. The connector is easy to install and use, making it an ideal accessory for professional DJs and music lovers alike.
Detailed design replicating the original Divje Babe Bone Flute. Our flute is a faithful reproduction of the original, discovered in a Slovenian cave and crafted from a cave bear cub's femur bone. This remarkable Neanderthal relic, thought to be over60,000 years old, revolutionized our understanding of prehistoric culture and music.
Geeignet für Akustische, Klassische, Konzert, Bass, E-Gitarren (usw.). The Rose 12x Plektrum Plektren Plektron Picks - 3 verschiedene Stärken Celluloid. Wählbare Stückzahl & Stärken. Kapodaster Capodaster Capo Kapo + 3 Piks - Für Akustische Elektrische Gitarre.
Base Colour:Oxblood. Size:28"x20"(72cm x 51cm). VOX Guitar Amplifier Speaker Grill Cloth Fabric.
Fine quality First-class C key clarinet Ebonite Good material and sound. Material: Ebonite. Saxophone&Parts. String Tuner. FREE accessories: Screwdriver;Cork Grease;Reeds;Soft Cleaning Cloth;Mouthpiece,Reed and Cap.
Schermato XLR cannon. Adattatore coassiale. maschio RCA singola. Connettore XLR a tre PIN nichelato, per una connessione ad alta qualità. Tuttavia, funziona in emtrambi i sensi, è un cavo bi-direzionale: può anche convertire la porta bilanciata dell'amplificatore o dell'impianto HI-fi in un ingresso non-bilanciato RCA.