Sie können die Modi wechseln, indem Sie die Schaltfläche auf dem Bildschirm berühren. Es kann auch die Kapazität von Powerbanks und verschiedenen Batterietypen berechnen. Sie können damit die Leistung und den Zustand Ihrer Akkus und Ladegeräte testen.
The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies.
Conçue pour une utilisation polyvalente dans les salles de sport, les maisons, les hôpitaux et les centres de santé, cette balance numérique pour médecins est votre partenaire fiable pour le suivi du poids.
Leaves no oily residue and takes up no space, ensuring the most accurate fit possible. FOILCOTE COE-Sep. The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies.
• Blank product sourced from the US. • Size: 5.25″ × 8.25″ (13 × 21 cm). • 140 dotted pages.
This DET-TRONICS C7050 UV FIRE DETECTOR is a reliable and efficient way to detect fires in your facility. With a 290 VDC 1mA power supply, this detector is capable of providing accurate readings in a variety of settings. The detector was manufactured in the United States and comes from a reputable brand that is trusted in the industry. The product is a great choice for those in need of fire protection equipment and is being sold in used condition. The model number is C7050 and it has not been modified in any way. Despite being used, the detector is still in good working condition. Note this unit comes in pairs so 2 in one .
Item: 100 Grams High Purity Magnesium oxide Powder Ultrafine MgO Powder. Gewicht: 100g.