Anno di emissione: 1998.
Sammler aufgepasst! Hier haben Sie die Gelegenheit, eine beeindruckende Telefonkarten-Sammlung zu erwerben. Diese Sammlung umfasst eine Vielzahl von Telefonkarten aus verschiedenen Ländern und Zeitepochen, darunter seltene und limitierte Editionen. Perfekt für Liebhaber von Sammelobjekten und Nostalgie, bietet diese Sammlung eine einzigartige Möglichkeit, Ihr Interesse an Telefonkarten zu erweitern und Ihre Sammlung zu vervollständigen. Ein absolutes Must-Have für jeden Sammler von Telefonkarten!
PROVIDE THE TRACFONE PHONE NUMBER WHERE THE CARD WILL BE ADDED. This Tracfone card will ADD -The Tracfone phone number to load the refill is required. We process your order fast (usually within 12 hours after receiving the Tracfone phone number).
This Sega Sonic Adventure Telephone Card from 1998 is a must-have for any collector or fan of the game. Made in Japan, this card features the beloved character Sonic Adventure and is perfect for those who love to collect unique items from different eras. The card is compatible with any telephone and is sure to be a conversation starter when answering calls. The manufacturer, Sega, is known for their high-quality products and this card is no exception. It is a great addition to any collection and is perfect for those who want to relive the era of Sonic Adventure. The card has been well-preserved and is in excellent shape, making it a valuable item for any collector.